Monday, September 26, 2011

Ma! And other fun things...

A short update...

Summer is rolling around all over the floor. She also says "Ma!" if she's upset (needs to eat or sleep) and is not given over to Mama as soon as she would like. When she's tired she also does a funny and somewhat indignant sounding grunt/grumble. She loves to smile and laugh. She especially loves watch her sister hop which elicits an awesome belly laugh. A couple weeks ago in church while the sacrament was being passed she started laughing at Belen and couldn't stop for about 4 minutes; not sure what she was laughing at, but it was very cute.

Belen saw some ducks at the park the other day. She said "Hey birds, wanna hold my hand? (no response) Hey bird, you hold me. No? OK." She is pretty much potty trained; she loves Daddy to "get her" when he comes home. This means he gets a great workout chasing her all over the house, usually with Summer in tow. Mommy acts as "base". She loves her friends and family. She just got to visit her Mooresville NC cousins for the first time and can't stop talking about going to their house.

We love our girls. We'll post pic & videos soon.


Carrie said...

Yeah! Post as many pics as you dare! I can imagine the whole scene of Holden running around and Belen crashing into your legs to find safety. What a fun time!

RT and M said...

I really enjoyed your update. I don't know whether to congratulate you or Belen for her being potty trained, but at any rate it's a pretty exciting step!

Sandy Lewis said...

Just read your blog on Summer, Belen, and Holden. Wish I was there!!! But I'll be there soon!!
Love, Mom