Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chicken Noodle Soup

This post is mostly for me so I can remember that I just found my favorite chicken noodle soup recipe. I used homemade chicken broth (I didn't use chicken feet or gizzards in mine; not ready for that quite yet). For the soup I used this recipe except I did use noodles (not carrot and zuchini shredded) and I added carrots to the onions and celery as I sauted them like a typical soup. My favorite part of this recipe is that I chose to use the suggested coconut oil to saute the veggies in. YUM. Loved it. I'm sure this would freeze well, so it would be the perfect thing to whip up and throw in the freezer for when your entire family comes down with a cold and doesn't shake it for... well whenever. We haven't shaken our's yet. Just comes with having kids I guess. Oh, and I love making these cornbread muffins to go with it. They freeze well too, but every time I put them in the freezer they come out within a day anyway, sometimes hours. Oh well :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Yum Nicole. Chicken noodle soup does freeze so well. I love to make a ton and have it ready for those sick times.